Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Rain Rain, go away

I awoke to a beautiful sunny day today. V left for work around 11 and so I put on my old clothes and was all ready to paint the gates today for the dog fence. (They are currently bright pink.) Like magic, as soon as I had paintbrush in hand the heavens opened up and dumped water. Grrr....

So I came inside to write e-mails to some people, like my lovely Sis. And a few paragraphs in, *Pfffzzztttt* out goes the electricity. Stupid rain.

So I spent the day inside reading a Terry Prachett book with a fat black and white cat on my lap. I ate a lunch of cold leftovers and lamented the loss of electricity. No electricity, no cup of tea. :(

I am glad we had some nice weather when I first arrived so I got to go to the beaches. There's lots of flooding in Sydney atm, and actually all over Australia. But not to worry. We live on a very steep hill and in a tall house.

To answer some of the comments: (And I love hearing from you all!)
1. So you live in the bush?
We don't live out in the wilderness or anything, but people in Australia are VERY into "native species" and "natural gardens (yards)". They love their native animals and plants and need the plants to provide homes and food for the animals. We actually live in a very posh neighborhood with views overlooking a bay and even the ocean on a clear day. That is, if you can see through the trees, which are illegal to chop down even in your own yard.

2. Do leeches hurt?
I cannot speak from personal experience yet, thankfully, but leeches do not hurt. In fact most people do not notice them or maybe feel something squishy between their toes. Their unfortunate side effect is what they are known for in history - secreting an anti-clotting enzyme as they bite which causes you to just bleed and bleed. It is only a small wound, but it will not stop bleeding for some time.


Aaron said...

So which Terry Pratchett book were you reading?

Lady Arden said...
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Lady Arden said...

I chose "The Last Continent", since it's in no way, shape or form about Australia. It just happens to have Kangaroos, Koala bears, and flies. :)