Saturday, February 2, 2008

Deja Vu

Living in Australia this year feels a bit like stepping back into last year.  Tv programs like Kid Nation and Survivor China are airing "all new" episodes.  Movies out on DVD in the states are hitting theaters soon.  And I am very unpopular when I suggest that I know the endings already.  :P

Some things that are brand new to me: paralytic ticks (so know which spots belong on you and which ones don't -these things are TINY and hard to see but nice and harmful), and now since it rained the last 2 days, leeches.  I thought V was just trying to scare me with the leeches, until on the way to the movies today a friend described how she found one between her toes and was bleeding everywhere.  Apparently they are just in our little area (way outside of the city) and they go away when the rains go away.  I hope that's soon.)  

Hope I didn't lose too many visitor after reading that.  The beaches still are great -the ticks and leeches are just in the bush.  :)  



Anonymous said...

Ah, leeches. They remind me of Regency England. How quaint. Just don't try to heal your ailments w/ 'em, OK? *grin*

Aaron said...

So... you live in the bush?

Mr.Anderson said...

Just so you know this is Travis. I love the pics and video, keep adding it and I'll keep looking at it. By the way, do leeches hurt?