Monday, August 4, 2008

Austin or Bust!

I'm so busy catching up with old friends now, cause yeah they all still live in Texas! I'm heading to Austin in a day to visit friends and family. So if you're around Austin (this includes San Angelo!) send me an e-mail! I've already gotten to see a really good friend from college and meet his adorable lovely wife finally, and I just happened to be eating at the same restaurant after church as them! Very happy coincidence.

Only thing that worries me is when people I don't know well tell me "They've heard stories about me". Oh my. Whatever it was you heard, it wasn't me! :) I guess one good thing is people in Oz don't know all my fun college stories!

1 comment:

Joel said...

Great seeing you. After you get tired of Kangaroos and koala's and want to run away from Vegemite we'd love for you to stay in Austin instead of just visit.
