Friday, April 11, 2008

Other odds and ends

Hrm, so many little things I've meant to post and haven't because I've been so busy. Well today since for once I don't have to house hunt and the dishes are done and the laundry is running I guess I can spend a few minutes posting and catching up on long neglected e-mails.

Thanks to all my family who's been sending me updates. I appreciate hearing from you all and being kept up to date on things. If you're not related to me, well, some health problems in the family lately. (I love you Granner and think of you all the time, so get to feeling better!) Mom also had surgery on her birthday this week (what a way to spend a birthday).

V had a birthday this week too. We celebrated with a nice Japanese meal for lunch and pizza for dinner for the birthday boy. I think we're also going to try to go out to celebrate next week with friends here when we can get schedules coordinated.

Before Easter I had 2 things happen in one day that were fairly big -I had a wisdom tooth pulled out and I had to go dress shopping. One of those events was quick and low-cost. Dress shopping, however, was long and painful and so expensive in the end I took it back to the store. It didn't match the rainy weather for the event anyhow. V's sister was married on the beach but unfortunately we had some morning showers.

I'm really happy with my new dentist so far, which is good because I think I'm going to be seeing a lot of him in the near future after my checkup. The dentist was as nice as anyone who scrapes your teeth with pointy metal scrapers and drills can be. He's also from England originally. (Many people I meet here are from England or South Africa, not many locals.) I was pretty scared about experiencing health care in a foreign country, but I guess it's like every country there are horror stories and extreme cases.

What else? Oh , I finally got a cell phone. A red one. :) It's the most basic little prepaid thing I could get, but at least it gave realtor's a way to get in touch. It also took me 5 hours to go and get by bus and get back home, as somehow I got on a limited stop bus that didn't not let me get off where I expected and I ended up somewhere totally new. Then I had to find a phone there because it was getting too late to wait on another bus and take it back through traffic. Stores mostly close at 5pm here, yes, even the mall and grocery stores. 5 pm. Thursday night it does stay open a couple of hours later, and most things close 6-7 pm. Saturdays things close around 1pm.

So even though Wal-mart is a huge (and monopolizing, evil, & giant) store, be grateful for it you Americans! Cheap goods, variety, all in one store! Open 24/7

The best shopping here is a catholic charity store, like a salvation army store, called St. Vincent DePaul's. I went once and it was packed with people. It has everything and it gives me hope that we be able to afford things like dishes, silverware and chairs in our new place. Lucky we were able to scavenge so much, but some things we need for our new place we didn't previously have room for here with the in-laws stuff.

I've been sitting here listening to country music today while e-mailing and posting. Really odd for me I know, but it makes me feel like I'm back in Texas, which I really miss. Of course, when we come back, don't plan on dragging me to any Dixie Chics concerts Mom and especially Dad!

Gonna go enjoy the sunshine for a bit as it's a beautiful day today. Thanks for the comments and hope you all are doing well and enjoying the coming spring weather (if you're far enough south to be finished with snow that is!)


Unknown said...
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Hermit said...

Missing Texas is not something I ever expected to hear from you.