Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The first mornings I was here, I had Jet Lag and was waking up at 4:45 am.  That is before the sun, but not before the birds.  Turn up your sound and listen to "Sounds at 5 am in Sydney".  Thankfully I now sleep later.  It does sound like a jungle here though.  All those pretty birds around here also make a pretty racket.  And that Kookaburra?  He's laughing because it's 5 am.

One of my favorite things we have done is get up in the mornings and walk along the beach.  I took my camera with me on the first morning and wanted to share the experience especially with all those who I hear are getting snowed in.  This is just minutes from our house.  Come for a short walk with the family along the beach!

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